Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I'll Take It

I'm doing my best to hold it together, going through a divorce and at the same time taking care of my Dad, after losing Mom and just a few months later finding out that Dad has parkinsons disease as well as syrosis of the liver and looking at the fact that in 04 he had a kidney transplant is not easy on him, so keeping him strong in faith and spirit is key.
He is my Champion because all that he has endured and yet never complains about anything he just says "God has it under controll".

Saturday, January 1, 2011

getting it right

A new year means a new chance to get it right, reach higher and go harder, no matter what it is, a new oppurtunity to get closer to that dream or find that courage to say hi to that someone who has caught your eye. Maybe its time to get closer to that person you fell out with, either way, get it right and work on those things that you know are holding you down as an individual. Get It Right